7 Tips for Fitness Women

You want to be a fitness woman? Or are you a girl who likes exercise but wants to have a good figure? Here are seven great tips for becoming an effective fitness woman:

👉1. Find the program that best suits you. 

Every fitness woman is different. You may have a history of surgery for which the program may not be right for you. Always consult a certified trainer to make sure your fitness program won't hurt you. If the fitness program is not right for you It will only cause frustration and injury.

👉2. Set realistic goals. 

Wouldn't you be frustrated if you set out to reshape your body in a month? Make sure the body you want over time is achievable and realistic. The program should be practical and will not give you false hopes. It is important to be aware of the obstacles that you encounter in your daily life. This will help you to know which programs are satisfactory. and when it comes to the program You can set realistic goals and timelines.

👉3. Exercises should work on muscular body parts. 

Most of the reasons are when you develop muscles You will burn more calories. And then you lose body fat. Multi-joint exercises and weight lifting are recommended. Learn which exercises work for different parts. of your body Multi-joint exercises are also said to be effective but time-saving.

👉4. Manage muscles systematically Your muscles should work harder over time. 

Repeating the same exercises and the same weight without making your muscles work harder will not produce satisfactory results. You can save your daily results and make progress based on your previous data. The journal will motivate you as you can keep track of how far you have gone. Build confidence because there is written evidence that it has been done.

👉5. Do each set of exercises 10 times. 

Every number achieved is called a repetition. Try to do as many repetitions with less momentum as possible. the less momentum Your muscles will only work harder. and the harder they work they just got bigger. To check if there is a lot of momentum while lifting or not. Let's see if the arm is floating or not. If the arms are floating, then there is a lot of momentum.

👉6. Be flexible and do a variety of exercises. 

Every exercise program should be diverse. You can change exercises, goals, and sets every month to keep you motivated and productive. Doing so will keep you from getting bored and losing energy both physically and mentally.

👉7. Motivated! 

The best way to maintain trainees' energy levels is to allow for good competition and to give them a sense of control. Control is having a sense of ownership where everyone is involved in the implementation of the program. To do this, you need to consistently demonstrate your skills.

Not all programs work for all types of people. There is no single exercise that is best for everyone. But you learn from experienced people. Learn to accept blocking and demonstrate self-discipline. Motivate yourself and work harder every day and add variety. when doing these things You will find that there are many programs that are suitable for you.